
Mick Mercer reviews "Songs In The Key Of Mountain Birds Blue". See his Feb. 23rd post.
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Nije neobično da se pop-muzičari dohvate ozvučavanja klasika nemog filma. Neki skorašnji radovi su imali globaln(ij)e ekspozicije (Pet Shop Boys - Krstarica Potemkin na Trafalgar Skveru uz logistiku grada Londona), ali su većina (Mum, KTL, Nine Rain...) nakloni nečemu što ih je kao persone i umetnike gradilo.
Cult With No Name su (još uvek) čuveno ime iz departmana dobro iskrojenih pesama; ako iko upita zašto (?), odgovori se nalaze na dva albuma objavljena za etiketu Trakwerx (Paper Wraps Rock - 2006, Careful What You Wish - 2008). Grehota jeste što to više ljudi ne zna, kada u (među)prostoru alternative ima dovoljno širina/dužina da budu obrani od-tamo-negde gde počinju Tuxedomoon brazde, Associates usevi, pa sve dokle god pogled puca u današnjicu. Ovako su konzumirani od malobrojne, ali cenjene sile poštovalaca gde su najglasniji (muzički novinar) Mick Mercer, (muzičar i producent) Krammer (Bongwater, Shimmydisc) ili (magičar) Blaine L. Reininger ( TuxedoMoon). Konstatacijom da su CWNN u današnjem pop svetu sav onaj anticoldplay ukus, Mercer (im) je i dao najveću preporuku.
Trakwerx etiketa, preko Del Rey and The Sun Kings (Jackson Del Rey, ex Savage Republic) lagano gradi tradiciju izdavanja albuma na kojima se muzikalijama dopunjavaju nemi filmovi. Onda, nije iznenađenje da su se CWNN latili klasika nemačkog ekspresionizma "Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari" koji je Robert Wiene režirao 1919. godine. Ovo delo retke izrade pomerilo je misaonost mnogih, a nesporan je uticaj na ljude popularne muzike. Mnogi su od Pere Ubu, Bauhaus, In The Nursery (etc, etc...) (is)koristili Caligarija da podupru svoju estetiku. Ni kačenje muzičkih draperija na "Das Cabinet..." nije incident, no, kao kuriozitet treba spomenuti sjajnog Billa Nelsona koji je 1981. uradio svoj soundtrack i kasnije to spakovao kao album za Cocteau etiketu, a upravo je Robert Wiene tridesetih godina prošlog veka pokušao sa angažovanjem Jeana Cocteaua oko ozvučenja filma. Ima se i utisak da su Britanci svakojako inspirisani filmom, pa su prošle 2009, na devedesetogodišnjicu snimanja, skor za film uradili i elektro-jazz duo Cipher i visokopoštovani džentlmen Steven Severin (ex Siouxsie and the Banshees, Glove).
Cult su iskustva gledanja filma opisali kao unikatna sa uvek drugačijim utiscima i verovatno je to razlog što su im zvuci raznovrsniji u odnosu na regularan rad. Od znaka za početak pa do zadnje slike, Erik Stein i Jon Boux (uz asistenciju Jeffa Brennemana) prate radnju bez tenzije koja bi posmatraču razbila pažnju i/li ugođaj praćenja filma. Muzika je(ste) nesumnjivo za njih univerzalni jezik, pa se ne osećaju disforično, a ugodno je naslađivati se ovom muzikom i kada nije dopuna. Dr. Caligari dijagnostikuje da CWNN-DVD ne reciklira svoj rad, već razvija i nove uticaje, pa smo (u)čas (u)sred nečega što priziva Eno+Budd ambient, čas nas dostigne gotski-trip-hop-pop i nešto od prijatnog (polu)industriala. Nisu zanemarili sopstveni zaštitni znak, piano prepariran za nas koji preferiramo žurku usamljenika. Bez tako iritantne užurbanosti i bezrazložne pretencioznosti.
Ima ljudi koje odbijaju ovakve tvorevine i ovaj OST bi mogao da im bude izazov za skidanje čari. Stein je rekao da ne može da zamisli muziku odvojenu od filma i eto prednosti nama konzumentima nad umetnicima. Naravno, valja uzeti ono što je dobrovoljno ponuđeno i tako se audio-separat Caligarija može skinuti džabe sa CWNN stranice:
Svakom po volji i po afinitetu. U kabinetu Dr. Kaligarija.
Autor: Mileta Okiljević |
Cult With No Name - The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari DVD (Trakwerx/Lightwerx, 2009)
Cult With No Name retain one of the best reputations as classic songwriters. Those seeking evidence need only to check out their two albums on the Trakwerx label, 'Paper Wraps Rock' (2007) and 'Careful What You Wish For' (2008). It's just a shame that more people aren't aware of them. There's more than enough space in alternative music for a band that whose roots lie in Tuxedomoon, but whose fruits hint at a modern version of The Associates. Still, they have a small but respectable group of noisy admirers, including Mick Mercer (renowned post-punk journalist), Kramer (Bongwater, Shimmydisc), and Blaine L. Reininger (Tuxedomoon). Perhaps Mercer provided them with the biggest accolade when he dubbed CWNN "the anti-coldplay".
The Trakwerx label, under the guidance of Jackson Del Rey (ex Savage Republic), have slowly built a tradition of releasing new soundtracks to old silent movies. It's no surprise, then, that CWNN have taken hold of the German expressionist classic 'The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari', directed in 1919 by Robert Weine. The movie is a persistent influence on the aesthetics of a range of popular musicians, including Pere Ubu, Bauhaus and In The Nursery. A mention must also go to the great Bill Nelson, who released his soundtrack in 1981, as well as the musical score released by electro-jazz duo Cipher and Steve Severin (ex Siouxsie and the Banshees) in 2009, to coincide with the film's 90th anniversary.
The experience of watching the film is unique each time you watch it. Perhaps this is why CWNN's soundtrack is more diverse than their previous two albums. From the opening moments to the closing bars, the music of Erik Stein and Jon Boux (with assistance from Jeff Brenneman) seamlessly follows the plot, adding to the satisfaction of watching the movie. Dr. Caligari doesn't see CWNN recycle their previous work, but invoke new influences. One moment the music recalls Brian Eno/ Harold Budd ambience, whilst the next we find ourselves caught in gothic trip hop pop and semi-industrial sounds. Of course, they haven't neglected their trademark, with plenty of piano for us loners. Everything is perfectly placed, perfectly timed, without any hint of pretension.
Of course there are people who are hostile to such modern soundtrack takes on movie classics. And CWNN have said that they cannot imagine the music separate to the movie. However, it is we as consumers that have the option. Either buy the DVD or simply download the music alone.
http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/lightwerx-cabinet-dr-caligari/id351228902 |
17 Pygmies
The Outlaw J.D. Ray • CD
Trakwerx • 11t-44:30
Smoldering Ashes
Songs In The Key Of Mountain Birds Blue • CD • Trakwerx • 12t-38:00
Nuovo album per il mai dimenticato Philip Drucker aka Jackson Del Rey, a suo tempo tra le menti dei Savage Republic e da qualche anno nuovamente attivo con il suo progretto collaterale (e oggio principale) 17 Pygmies nonché come abilissimo autore di colonne sonore. Come e piu delle altre, quest’uscita dei Pygmies e all’insegna del-l’eccentricita: un concept basato su “ambizione, decadenza, amore perduto e ritrovato, le basi di ogni tragedia” e ambientato negli USA di “un’epoca imprecisata dopo la Guerra Civile ma prima del ‘900”, secondo le parole del responsabile principale che, adottato il nom de plume di Blind Lemony Pledge Fresh Jackson e accompagnato da Maggie Mae (Meg Maryatt) e Rib-Eye (Jeff Brenneman) alle chitarre acustiche e D-Bone (Dirk Doucette) alla batteria, mette in riga dodici monocrome, lentisime ballate country e le impacchetta nel consueto capolavoro d’artigianato DIY: una confezione cartonata e infiocchettata manco fossimo nel 1880. L’atmosfera complessiva e simpatica e il suono piacevole ma di canzoni realmente memorabili non ce ne sono molte (si ricordano le buone She’s Gone e Half Moon Bay); il consiglio per Philip sarebbe di dedicarsi alle colonne sonore, dove sortisce risultati veramente eccellenti (vedi sezione DVD in questo stesso numero). (6)
A un anno e mezzo di distanza da “Nervous Constellations” tornano anche gli Smoldering Ashes, outfit dei due Pygmies Jeff Brenneman e Dirk Doucette con Veronica Ashe alla voce e Tory Troutman al basso. Non cambia molto rispetto all’esordio: ballate pop-rock a mezzo tra roots americane, evanescenze da chanson francese (Move The Clouds) e modulazioni wave (Shake an Etch-a-Sketch) condite da piccole tentazioni avant fino a sfiorare cose che rimandano persino ai Savage Republic (Birds No Cage). Decisamente meglio del primo disco. (7) Stefano I. Bianchi
Loose English Translation:
17 Pygmies
The Outlaw J.D. Ray • CD
Trakwerx • 11t-44:30
Smoldering Ashes
Songs In The Key Of Mountain Birds Blue • CD • Trakwerx • 12t-38:00
New album to never forget Philip Drucker aka Jackson Del Rey, in his time in the minds of Savage Republic and over recent years with its active collateral projects (that is main) 17 Pygmies as well as skilled author of soundtracks. And this is more than the others, the Pygmies and the banner of eccentric output: a concept based on "ambition, loss, love lost and found, the foundation of every tragedy" and set in the U.S. of an "age unknown after the Civil War but before the '900", in the words of the chief who adopted the nom de plume Lemony Pledge Fresh Blind Jackson, accompanied by Maggie Mae (Meg Maryatt) and Rib-Eye (Jeff Brenneman) on acoustic guitar and D-Bone (Dirk Doucette) on drums, brings twelve slow monochromatic country ballads packaged in the usual DIY masterpiece of craftsmanship: a cardboard and beribboned box that you would find in 1880. The overall atmosphere is friendly and sounds nice but really memorable songs, there are not many (remember the good She's Gone and Half Moon Bay); the council for Philip would be to dedicate to the soundtracks, which yielded very excellent results ( See the DVD section in this issue). (6)
A year and a half away from "Nervous Constellations" Smoldering Ashes is back, too, the two Pygmies members Jeff Brenneman and Dirk Doucette with Veronica Ashe on vocals and Tory Troutman on bass. Not really changed at onset: ballads, pop-rock cross between American roots, reminiscent of French chanson (Move The Clouds) and modulation wave (Shake an Etch-a-Sketch) served by small temptations to touch things on until that point even the Savage Republic (No Birds Cage). Definitely better than the first disc. (7) Stefano I. Bianchi