Monday, April 16, 2012

Capas de Culto (Portugal) reviews CIII: Even Celestina Gets The Blues by 17 Pygmies

Blogger Capas de Culto reviews "CIII: Even Celestina Gets The Blues" by 17 Pygmies

The third installment of Celestina was actually my first listen to the 17 Pygmies music. By the time I finished listened to the complete set of tunes I realized that having a theme that ties all the music together like a book isn't being done much anymore. The music overall has an ethereal, other-world feel that is very unique. I found it especially soothing for a Monday morning since usually it's kind of a panic-mode day. The main vocalist Meg Maryatt has a very resonant and pleasing tone, making so believable that an alien or robotic-hybrid person was singing and sharing her experiences of emotions she discovers.

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